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Indoor P1.953mm Rental Concave & Convex LED Display

P1.953mm Rental Concave & Convex LED Video Wall

Project Details:
Pixel pitch: P1.953mm
Product: NG1000 series
Application: indoor rental LED display
Cabinet size: 500*1000mm

To cater to the diverse requirements in the field of LED screens, the NG500/1000 series LED display is designed for curved installations. It can achieve 2.5° at intervals within the range of -10° to 10°, enabling both convex and concave configurations.

Concave LED display and convex LED display refer to two different types of curved LED screens based on their shape and curvature:

1. Concave LED Display
Concave LED displays are characterized by a curved inward shape, resembling a hollow or cave-like structure.

These displays are designed to curve inwards, creating a concave shape. This curvature can be subtle or pronounced, depending on the design and application requirements.

Concave LED displays are often used in environments where a wide viewing angle is required, such as sports stadiums, auditoriums, shopping malls, and advertising displays.

The concave shape helps to provide an immersive viewing experience for the audience by wrapping around them and enhancing the visual impact of the content being displayed.

These displays are also known for their flexibility in terms of design, as they can be customized to fit specific architectural or design requirements.

2. Convex LED Display
Convex LED displays are characterized by a curved outward shape, protruding or bulging outwards.

These displays are designed to curve outward, creating a convex shape. Similar to concave displays, the curvature can vary in degree depending on the specific design and application needs.

Convex LED displays are commonly used in outdoor advertising, digital signage, trade shows, exhibitions, and other events where visibility from various angles is crucial.

The convex shape helps to maximize the visibility of the content displayed, making it easily viewable from different perspectives.

Like concave displays, convex LED displays can also be customized to fit specific design requirements and architectural constraints.

3. Features of Concave and Convex LED Displays
(1) Both concave and convex LED displays offer enhanced visual experiences compared to traditional flat displays by providing a more immersive and dynamic viewing experience.

(2) They are often used in large-scale installations where high-impact visuals are required to capture the audience's attention effectively.

(3) Both types of displays can be customized in terms of size, curvature, resolution, and brightness to suit various indoor and outdoor applications.

(4) They offer versatility in design and can be integrated into architectural elements or structures seamlessly.

(5) Both types of displays typically utilize advanced LED technology, offering high brightness, contrast ratios, and color accuracy for vibrant and engaging visuals.

Overall, concave and convex LED displays serve as innovative solutions for creating captivating visual experiences in various indoor and outdoor settings, making them popular choices for advertising, entertainment, and informational purposes.

Indoor P1.953mm Rental Concave & Convex LED Display

Indoor P1.953mm Rental Concave & Convex LED Display
